Hi jammers! I have a new contest! This time it's a story contest. The prizes are as follows:
1st prize- spot on AJP (to write a post once in a while)
2nd prize- a shoutout on AJP, posting your story
3rd prize- a shoutout on AJS (Animal Jam Spirit) in comment form, with a link to your story.
1. The story doesn't have to be about Animal Jam, but I would prefer it would.
2. Fiction, please.
3. It has to be appropriate.
That's it for the rules. Your story can be about anything you want! Comment it on this post. You cannot see other people's stories until the contest ends, so as to prevent copying/cheating. The contest ends on Monday, March 30th, 2014. So I think that's it... If you have any questions, comment them on here and I will publish your question and answer it. Ok, bye now!