Friday, December 6, 2013


Hey everyone! It's time for the new contest! So!This time it's a maze game I built on a programming website called Scratch. Click here to visit it! I hope you enjoy it, and happy holidays!!!!!


  1. I have a scratch account too, its called Frost_The_Wolf i will follow you :)

  2. Yay good! I never meet anyone who has a scratch account!


If you have a Blogger account, then use that. If not then do this:

Write your contest entry out in the comment box, and then choose Select Profile. Click on Name/URL. Then, type in your username on Animal Jam (don't bother with the "URL" part) and in parentheses write "nonmember" if you're a nonmember or "member" if you're a member. Then I know if I have to buddy you and TRADE you the prize (nonmember), or SEND it to you (member). Okay? And thanks for still reading this incredibly long and boring piece of text.